Why do people snore? According to medicinenet, anyone can snore.  Snoring can be caused by a variety of things like respiratory diseases, alcohol or poor sleeping position.

But how do you control snoring? Here are five things that may help:

Sleep on the side

Sleeping positions matter because a lot goes on in your body. To avoid snoring, try and sleep on your side rather than the back because the tongue, chin and any excess fatty tissues under the chin can relax and squash the breathing.

Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed

Alcohol causes the muscles in the body to relax more than a normal night sleep. The extra relaxing of the muscles makes the back of the throat to collapse which causes the snoring.

Learn to keep your nasal passages clear

The nasal passage is the channel of airflow through the nose, it should always remain clear for one to breathe through their nose and not mouth. This is because when one breathes through the mouth, it attracts bacteria. If you have a cold that is blocking the nose, seek medical attention to avoid contracting conditions like sinuses.

Quit smoking

Smoking is known to irritate the lining of the nasal cavity and throat which causes swelling. If the nasal passages become congested, it's difficult to breathe through your nose because the airflow is decreased. One is forced to breathe with the mouth and snore all night long.

Maintain healthy weight and eat right

Being overweight is one of the major causes of snoring because the fatty tissue found on the neck squeezes the air and prevents air from flowing freely.



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