Food poisoning also referred to as foodborne illness is the result of eating contaminated, spoiled or toxic food. The most common symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, fever, dehydration and bloating.

Although most cases resolve on their own, some can be deadly if not well monitored and treated. Ensuring adequate hydration is the most important aspect of treatment.

After fighting a stomach flu or food poisoning, our stomach usually feels very weak and shaky. You might feel a bit scared to consume anything afterwards in case your tummy gets worse, which is a normal feeling.

Dieticians have however shared tips on the best foods to take after a stomach issue. These rehydrate and restore your energy allowing you to jump back to your normal self in no time. To get you started here are five such foods you should consume.


After a bout of food poisoning, try to get back beneficial stomach bacteria by taking some yoghurt. The yoghurt also contains proteins which will help stabilize blood sugar and prevent energy-sucking crashes. Yoghurt will also help you feel stronger. If you are lactose intolerant, a non-dairy yoghurt will do the trick.

Something bland

Experts recommend that after a stomach bug, you should first start by eating bland foods such as rice, bananas and toast before getting back to your usual diet. It is also important to rehydrate after the bug so take foods with lots of fluids such as soups and water-rich vegetables such as cucumbers and watermelons.


If you are not yet ready to get back on a full meal or are not a big fan of yoghurt, try dairy-free smoothies. Go for smoothies made with fruit, nut butters and soy milk. This will help your body because of their high-protein nature despite being quite nutritious as they are low in fiber and lactose which also makes them easy to digest.

Chicken noodle soup

Once your stomach is ready to get back to solid foods, start out with chicken noodle soup and some toast. It is highly nutritious and a great way to recover as you will get fluids from the broth, proteins from the chicken and the toast and pasta will give you some carbohydrates. It is a bland meal that your sensitive stomach will be able to easily tolerate.

Coconut water

Alternate your sugary drinks with coconut water. It is loaded with nutrients such as potassium and has high levels of magnesium, sodium and phosphorous. Coconut water will also help you hydrate without any added sugar.