After a long stressful day, rest is important to ensure a healthy body and a healthy mind. This can however be rendered difficult by insomnia and lack of relaxation. Here are some tips on herbal teas that can help you transition from your daytime activities and help you ease into sleep in the night time.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is one of the most popular herbs when it comes to brewing bedtime teas. It has a calming effect that helps one rest easily. Simply make it by drying out the flowers then steeping them in boiling water. You may add ginger, cinnamon, as well as honey to sweeten it. Strain the mixture in to a mug and enjoy.

Peppermint tea

Not only does peppermint tea help in digestion but the mint gives it a soothing sensation that is calming and relaxing to the body and mind. To make it, take two stalks of fresh peppermint and add boiling water. Steep for about five minutes or longer for a stronger taste. Strain it into a cup and add your preferred sweeteners such as sugar or honey as desired.

Ginger and turmeric tea

The good thing about this tea is that ginger and turmeric are readily available in most households. Not to mention, ginger tastes great in everything. When combined, these two make for a wonderful sleep remedy. Take a piece of ginger root, ½ teaspoon of turmeric and a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Put water to boil then add these ingredients, leaving it to simmer for fifteen minutes. Strain your tea into a mug and add honey as desired. For the turmeric to be absorbed into your body add a teaspoon of black pepper.

Lavender tea

Lavender has a variety of medicinal properties and is generally better than over the counter sleeping pills. Take 1 ½ tablespoons of dried lavender flowers and add to two cups of boiling water. Leave it to steep for 10 minutes then strain into your cup. You may add lemon slices and honey to taste. Yummy!

Lemon balm tea

Not only is lemon balm tea great in treating cold sores, anxiety and indigestion, it is also very effective in treating insomnia. Take one tablespoon of the dried leaves or two dozen fresh leaves and add four cups of boiling water then cover the mixture. Leave it to steep for at least half an hour before drinking.

There you have it!

Incorporate any of these simple teas into your bedtime routine and look forward to a relaxing, well rested night.