It’s an open secret that childbirth has devastating physiological effects on a woman’s body, especially on her birth canal. So much so that we have many cases of grown up women who are scared of getting pregnant for fear of pain and other effects that giving birth comes with.
Basically, the extensive and often long-term effects childbirth can have on a mum’s body are something we are all aware of. The fact is, the impact of birthing a multi-kilos baby can be huge and may include the following: Bruising, tearing, stretching, swelling, reduced feeling/pain during intercourse, incontinence and dryness.
The extends to which some go to keep down there intact are shocking. Like we recently reported, scared of the vagaries of childbirth, there is a growing trend in villages where some ignorant women abuse cigarettes by excessively smoking, so as to make them give birth to tinny babies (one of the much-publicised side effect of smoking while pregnant). We have also heard of cases where women get ripped off by conmen who sell them fake virginity soaps in Nairobi’s Eastleigh estate.
Tales have been told of how some men start cheating on their women or completely dump them for others, claiming that intimacy with them is never the same again after giving birth.
However, hip hip hooray!, this may not be the case anymore. Apparently, some mzungus in the UK have come up with an operation they are calling “the vaginal facelift”, which the medics claims only takes 15 minutes and promises to improve women’s sex life.
Vaginal facelift
The vaginal rejuvenation is a laser treatment which has been developed to help with the effects of childbirth; a common problem millions of women secretly grapple with. But this comes as good news and one can only hope it helps to keep families and lovers together. Both men and women have reported some discomfort when making love, months after childbirth. Understandably, girls, the term ‘vaginal facelift’ may have you rolling your eyes and crossing your legs — or conjuring up unfortunate imagery. But according to patients interviewed by local press, it is no more uncomfortable than a smear test and costs approximately Sh 60,000.
The non-surgical treatment involves the insertion of a cage-like cylinder and a speculum-style tool inside the vagina which administers the laser treatment, followed by lasering of the vulva including labia and clitoris. This remedy was developed by Dr Natasha Ranga and Emma Soos, a clinical director and nurse, who experienced several of the above symptoms after having two children.