The start of a new year is usually filled with optimism. What with all the plans, resolutions and plenty of time to achieve them?

It is likely you have important milestones to cross in 2015. Among the priority list of stuff you want to achieve, remember to place your health not too far from the top.

You can easily start by reviewing your health in the past one year, not too dissimilar to the work-based annual performance review. Such a review will inform on what aspects of your health were optimal, and what could be improved going forward.

You can give yourself some health targets in the same manner as you would when you do a performance review. And don’t forget to cater for some reward system along the way, each health goal achieved and rewarded will maintain your tempo for achieving more.

Your general health is the backbone of all other specifics of health. We are talking of simple things like maintaining a healthy weight, eating well and being physically active. I

f you slipped over the festivities and gained a few unwanted kilos, find a way of losing them and getting back to the normal weight for your height.

Keeping your weight in check will veer you from heart disease, diabetes and cancer, among others. If in addition you carefully select what you eat, and build in some routine physical exercises, you will be onto a good start. Don’t smoke, and only drink in moderation.

Remember the specific things that you must do in matters of reproductive health. Set reminders for your routine screening tests, you should resolve never to miss these as they are life savers.

The main ones are screening for cervical and breast cancer. You may be suitable for other non-routine screening tests depending on your specific parameters.

Your gynaecologist should advise you on whether this is applicable for you. Don’t forget sexual health. Avoid unprotected sex with partners of unknown sexual health status, and use effective contraception. If any doubt arises, get screened for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

If planning a pregnancy in 2015, optimise your health for this. Plan to attend a pre-pregnancy clinic for advice and optimisation of any pre-existing conditions that may negatively affect pregnancy.

Commence on prenatal supplements well before you get pregnant. Once pregnant book for antenatal care within the first 12 weeks, and don’t miss any of your subsequent antenatal care appointments.

Any delays in getting pregnant beyond 12 months should prompt a fertility review, in the company of your partner.

Being in good health will facilitate achievement of your other goals this year. It doesn’t require much effort over and above a conscious awareness of your prevailing health. Do the right things and your reproductive health will soar. Have a healthy 2015.