It’s important to first establish the reason behind your hair loss before trying to treat it (Shuttetrstock)

For those who do long hair, the wish is always to grow it out as long and as healthy as possible. However, due to certain factors including medication, lifestyle choices, environmental toxins and products we are exposed to, our hair sometimes not only shrinks but also starts falling off.

Nonetheless, it’s important to first establish the reason behind your hair loss before trying to treat it at home since hair fall can be linked to medical conditions such as thyroid disease, scalp infections, alopecia areata-an autoimmune disease that attack hair follicle, cause hormonal changes among other things.  Stress and emotional trauma can also cause hair fall.

After establishing that the hair fall is not linked to any medical conditions, you can consider home remedies that will help you stop or reduce hair loss and help you achieve your desired hair length, volume and health.

Sometimes hair fall is caused by genetics whereby your family has a gene for baldness when you get to a certain age, but this is mostly common in men.

We look at some effective ways you can control hair fall.

1.Vitamins supplements

You can use vitamin supplements to take care of your hair loss and they include either vitamin pills or vitamin oil capsules. For the vitamin pills these are your normal multivitamin pills which help boost your immunity by providing your body with the nutrients it needs for you to remain healthy. For the vitamin oil capsule, these are available at beauty supply points all you need is to apply the oil onto your scalp and hair and massage twice a week to promote hair growth.

2.Have a protein rich diet

Our bodies need proteins not only for tissue repair, but for healthy hair and nails. Eating fish, lean meat, beans and other protein rich foods can help promote hair health and in turn help to stop hair loss.

3.Scalp massage using essential oils

Essential oils such as castor oil and rose water are known for their benefits in boosting hair growth and increasing hair volume. You can consider massaging a mixture of your favorite essential oil on to your scalp twice or thrice a week to improve blood circulation in the scalp and improve your hair quality and increase hair growth.


Being dehydrated not only dries your skin but also causes your hair to break and fall out. Make sure to consume your recommended 8 glasses of water daily as this makes sure that your scalp doesn’t dry up and get flaky thus causing hair loss. Being hydrated provides your hair with enough moisture to prevent breakage and hair loss.

5.Green tea

Green tea has been used over the years to deal with hair fall. All you need is to brew the green tea, let it cool and pour it on your hair and let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it off. You can also massage brewed green tea bags on your scalp mostly on the affected areas.

6.Reduce alcohol intake

Excessive alcohol intake generally affects your immunity and can also cause hair fall. You can consider minimizing your alcohol intake levels as alcohol reduces the rate of hair growth and causes hair to be weak.


Stress is one of the contributing factors when it comes to hair fall. Everyone’s body adjusts differently to stress and for some people they lose hair when stressed. It is important to learn how to manage your stress levels by taking some time off to rest and distress. Yoga, runs and long walks are some of the best ways to distress.

8.Onion and potato juice

Onion and potato juice have been used as a remedy for hair loss and as a way of increasing hair growth over the centuries. All you need to do is blend an onion or potato then strain the juice as you don’t want the particles getting stuck on your hair, then pour the juice into your washed hair. Massage it through, cover with a shower cup for 20 minutes then rinse it off.