Photo; Courtesy

For you to enjoy healthy hair, it is important to have a regimen. However, it does not always translate into healthy hair. You may be spending so much money yet there is no improvement. Below are some of the reasons your regimen has backfired:


 Inconsistency is an enemy to a healthy regimen. Stick to the time schedules and specific products for your hair regardless of how busy you are or how good the new product you have seen in the market looks.

 Consistency can take as long as months or even years for you to see great results. This is something that discourages other women, leading to inconsistency.


They say patience pays; however, we live in a society where everything is instant and we always expect instant results. If your hair is breaking, for example, it won’t stop breaking within a week of your regimen.

 Give it time to acclimatize to the new products. Some women are so impatient to the point of even cutting their hair out of frustration. Do not be discouraged when your hair does not turn out exactly like the one you see on the product packaging.

Many procedures:

 Your hair can only handle a certain amount of procedures and products. Do not go by everything you read in magazines and blogs, or watch on YouTube. Some people have as many as 20-step processes that takes almost a whole day.

You cannot include every possible remedy you have seen or read about. After applying an assortment of products that include eggs, avocado, onion juice, among others, you rinse your hair with all sorts of teas and then finish off with some apple cider vinegar before running ice-cold water through it.

This is too complicated and time-consuming. The simpler your regimen, the easier it is for you to stick to it, and the better the results.

Many products:

A regimen that has three types of deep conditioners, four leave-in conditioners, and five types of hair oils is just too much. Believe you me, there are women with these kind of regimen.

Apart from being expensive, using too many products is detrimental to your hair’s health in the long run. It results into build-up, which weighs down the hair, leaving it lifeless. Go for a few good products that work for you and stick to them.

Wrong products:

Just because the product worked on somebody else’s hair does not mean it will work on yours. Take some time to carefully examine the products you are using.

Styling habits:

 Styling, surprisingly, is also a critical part of your hair’s regimen. When you moisturize and deep-condition hair once a week, its elasticity and shine improves, preventing breakage. However, how you handle your hair in between will impact on it either positively or negatively.

 Over-manipulation in styles that tug at the strands like tight ponytails, will lead to breakage. As you stick to your regimen, wear protective styles that will retain your hair’s health like cornrows or braids.

Using other people’s strategy:

 Someone posts a photo of her beautiful hair on Facebook and mentions the products she has used. You buy the product but it doesn’t work. Your hair type is probably different from the one you saw, and this product will not work for you.