Dating can be incredibly difficult in this day and age.

It's so hard to know what the other person is thinking and even harder to know when the right time is to take the plunge and have 'the chat' about becoming exclusive.

But thankfully a new study has worked all the complicated stuff out for you.

And apparently there's a specific number of dates most people think you should be going on before you broach the awkward topic of commitment.

According to a poll of 2,000 people, the average Brit needs to go on nine successful dates with someone before they feel ready to couple up.

If you really want to amp up the chances of love , some of these special outings should be dinner dates, as these are thought to cause people to feel more romantically connected to their partner.

Going out for drinks and a trip to the cinema were also found to be popular date night activities in the poll.

Of the participants in the Avant Homes study, a quarter said they have experienced love at first sight, while more than one in 10 thought it should take at least a month for love to blossom.

And many people also said they had fallen in love twice in their life.

But while nine dates are required to make that all important decision about a new partner, the average homeowner will often commit to buying a new house after only four visits to the property.

While a third of people admit to falling head over heels in love the first time they step through the front door.

Julia Pitt, who commissioned the study into speed of commitments, said: "Love can be a mysterious thing and finding out how you really feel can take time to uncover.

"It seems, however, that working out whether the bricks and mortar of a new home is right for us is easier than understanding if we are compatible with another human being.

“Our research has shown that, when it comes to our homes, how we feel in our hearts often takes precedence over rational thought, letting our emotions lead the way when we step through the door.”

Dating;Relationships;Valentine’s Day