We love to believe that we can turn a frog into a prince. And that if we love the wrong man a little harder or give him more time, or worse that if we marry such types, by the magical power of love we can change them into the kind of men we want. It gives me no pleasure to say it, but all that, I have come to discover, is nonsense!
There is a certain kind of man who is dangerous and destroys everything he touches. Who should be avoided at all cost, because he brings pain, misery and every heartache imaginable. What’s more, these kinds of men rob women of their youth, happiness and turn them into bitter, miserable hags at the ‘tender’ age of 30. Now who needs that?
There are many other types of men women need to avoid at all costs. You kiss them and all you will get is a slimy frog. Do not get me wrong, it may be entertaining and even cute to casually date them or or use their money, but anything serious with these types of men never ends well.
If you want trouble and unhappiness ladies, date or marry a Kenyan pastor. If there is one thing I have learnt, it is that some Kenyan pastors are not men to be trusted.
They are to be avoided at all costs. Yes, I know they are brilliant - very attractive, dress well, drive the most expensive cars, take girlfriends or spouses on vacations in Europe and live large, but wait until the skeletons in their closest get exposed.
Then there is Mr Narcissist. Narcissus was an ancient Greek mythological figure who was so beautiful that he fell in love with himself — but because he couldn’t leave his own reflection in the water, he eventually drowned. A narcissist is selfish and loves no one but himself. ‘Mr Pretty Boy’ falls in this category. Run from this one unless you want to fight for the dressing mirror!
Another compelling candidate is Mr Cheater; all my life I have never seen a cheater who changed. They promise to change but never do.
Also ‘Mr Successful Bachelor at 40’ is a red flag; if you are a successful man, women will stalk you like honey to the bee. In fact it is easier for a broke man to be a bachelor because women can sniff success a mile away, and will chase after it relentlessly.
So when a successful man remains a bachelor until his 40s; has a nice car, lives in a posh neighborhood and has a great career, there is definitely something sinister about him. There are always skeletons in the closet, like those of Bruce Jenner aka Caitlyn, run! Further, there is ‘Mr I Have Many Female Friends’, ‘Mr I Am Friends With all my Exes’ and ‘Mr I Have a couple of Children with Different Women’; these ones my dear ladies are a bad omen and to be avoided at all costs!