Potato salad and chicken tikka (Photo: Chef Ali)

Today we make potato salad and chicken tikka

For the potatoes;


1kg potatoes, cubed

1 sweet pepper, diced

1 onion, sliced


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Handful coriander, chopped

1 cup thick natural yoghurt

Salt to taste

1 teaspoon black pepper


Boil potatoes in salty water until soft. Cool the potatoes to room temperature.

Add the onions, sweet pepper, yoghurt, black pepper, coriander and salt to taste.

Toss the salad until mixed, then garnish with the remaining coriander. Have the salad with some lettuce on the side. 

For the tikka;


1 capon, cut into quarters and scored

2 tablespoons brown vinegar

Salt to taste

1 teaspoon paprika

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 cup tamarind sauce (thick)

1/2 teaspoon cumin powder

70g tomato paste

1 tablespoon sugar

3 tablespoons oil

Mixed lettuce


Remove the skin of the chicken. Cut it into quarters, and score it with a knife to allow it to cook towards the inside.

Mix all the ingredients with the chicken except for the oil. Marinate the chicken for two hours.

In a nonstick oven-friendly pan (no plastic handle) add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and pan-sear the chicken for about two minutes on each side.

Place it in an oven at 180°C and roast for 30 minutes or until the chicken is cooked.

Serve the chicken with the potato salad, and mixed lettuce. Enjoy!