Research shows that children who see their parents working out will grow up to be active adults themselves. Why not take it a step further and do this fun workout with your children to bond and burn some calories at the same time. Make sure to warm up well prior and stretch after the workout.
Clap JacksStart in a standing position with your arms out to either side, parallel to the ground. Jump your feet apart, simultaneously clapping your hands together in front of you. Repeat for 30 seconds, keeping your arms parallel to the ground at all times.
Bunny HopsStart with feet together then jump from side to side for 30 seconds. To make it more interesting, you can place something on the ground in front of you to jump over like a rope or book.
Frog JumpsStart with feet wide apart and palms on the ground. Jump up into the air with your arms stretched overhead then return to start. Repeat for 30 seconds.
Crab WalkSit on your bum with your feet flat and your palms on the floor behind you, fingers pointing forward. Lift your bum a few inches off the ground and walk around on all fours for 30 seconds.
Repeat the whole set, making sure to take breaks in between for water and rest.
If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?