One of the best ways to fully activate your fat burning furnace is to exercise early in the morning when you wake up. Exercise for about 45 minutes to an hour.

The reason morning exercise burns twice as much fat is because your body doesn't have enough carbohydrates which is the main energy source needed for your workout, therefore, it will reach for the stored body fat instead of boosting it up. Carbohydrates come from the food you eat and when you go to sleep, this energy source is usually used up for various functions.

If you want to take advantage of the above process, try not to take any breakfast before you exercise when you wake up. If you take breakfast, your body will source this energy from that meal instead of using your fat stores hence reducing the rate at which you burn fat.

Just make sure you eat well the night before because if you don't and still skip your breakfast, you will feel tired, sluggish and won't reap as much from your exercise. The key here is to take fat burning up a notch.

After your morning workout, eat a proper breakfast and give your body a perfect combination to jump start your metabolism. An elevated metabolism keeps your body active and energised, your moods high up and reduces your levels of stress. Don't wait until mid-morning or afternoon to eat. Your metabolism will run slower causing you not to burn extra fat. Breakfast also helps keep your cravings at bay that come with intense morning exercise.

On the other hand, if you work out late in the evening, you might still burn fat but as soon as you go to sleep, your metabolism will slow down because your body wants to rest and recover. At night, your metabolic rate is always slowest, which means you will miss out on all the extra fat that you can burn during the day if you had exercised in the morning.

If you are seriously thinking of burning more fat and you have more time at your disposal, try adding another workout to your daily routine. Six to eight hours after your early morning session to be precise. You can decide to do your cardio workout in the morning then later opt for weight training.

Do your cardio at a moderate to high intensity for effective results. Programmes like aerobics, jogging, running, rowing or even spinning can just work fine. Focus later on toning your body as you work on your strength and endurance also. There are many weight training routines that fit your need. Make sure you get help from your trainer for more assistance. Not only will you be burning more calories, you will also look better.