Tummy type 1: THE WINE WAIST
“I see lots of women with this kind of tummy,” says James. “Especially white wine drinkers. It’s easy to forget about the calories in alcohol but a few glasses of wine can be the equivalent of a large slice of cake, calorie-wise.”
Alcohol is full of sugar and calories (a small 125ml glass of white wine can contain up to six teaspoons), which encourages fat storage, especially around your middle section.
A standard glass of white wine (175ml) contains 125 calories and there are around 500 calories in a bottle. One recent study from University College London, found that regularly drinking a bottle of wine over the course of an evening could result in an extra four inches of fat on your waistline within a year.
Tame your tummy
-Cut back. “It’s that simple,” says James. “You can have the healthiest diet in the world and exercise all the time, but if you’re regularly drinking several glasses of wine every week your stomach and waist will never be as slim as they could.
“You’ll be amazed at the difference reducing your wine intake makes on your figure, but also your energy levels, sleep quality and skin tone.”
Or try drinking a glass of red. Several studies – including a recent one from Boston University, US, – have found that small amounts of red wine can actually help you lose weight. That’s because it contains a nutrient called resveratrol, which has fat burning properties.
However, you’ll only get the benefits from one or two small (125ml) glasses of red – any more and the calories and alcohol content will outweigh the overall benefits.
Tummy type 2: BLOATED TUMMY
If you wake up with a flat stomach but go to bed with a swollen one, you’re probably suffering from bloating.
“It’s often caused by sluggish bowels, a poor diet or food intolerance,” says James. “Gluten in particular can inflame the bowel making the stomach look bigger.”
Gluten can be found in beer, cakes, gravy, salad dressing, seasoned snacks like crisps and some cereals. Eating too quickly can also cause a bloated stomach because you swallow too much air.
Tame your tummy
-Get wholemeal bread with pumpkin seeds
Wholemeal bread is a must for the fibre
“Be your own nutritionist,” says James. “Make a note of what bothers your tummy and avoid this for a few days to see if it leaves you looking any flatter.”
Keeping your bowels healthy will also help this type of tummy. Eat plenty of fibre-rich foods (wholemeal bread, pasta, fruits, vegetables) and drink around two litres of water a day to keep your digestive system in peak condition.
Take your time over your meals, chew properly and avoid eating very big meals.
Instead, eat three medium-sized meals with healthy snacks in between (such as nuts, seeds, fruit, oatcakes and houmous).
Tummy type 3: STRESS STOMACH
Constantly multitasking and worrying about your to-do list at home and work? As well as making you feel pretty bad, too much stress can also give you a fat stomach.
“We found that women with greater abdominal fat had more negative moods and higher levels of life stress,” says Professor Elissa Epel, who worked on the study.
“Too much cortisol dumps fat all over your stomach, so to slim down you need to calm down,” says James.
“A stress tummy is easy to identify – women who have them tend to have slim arms and legs but a little swollen tummy.”
As well as excess cortisol, James says stress can make you fat by causing you to make the wrong food choices.
“If you’re rushing around trying to get too much done, you’re more likely to grab something quick, processed and fattening,” he says.
Also, when we’re stressed we tend to eat quicker and therefore eat more because our brain doesn’t have time to register we’re full.
Plus, eating too quickly can mean undigested food sitting in your gut which can cause bloating.
Tame your tummy
Brazil nuts can help tame your tummy
Avoid foods that make you more stressed, such as caffeine and sugar. “Two cups of coffee a day are fine, but any more can stress out your body and increase cortisol production,” says James.
Similarly, sugar is stressful on your body, as are heavily processed foods. Put calming, wholesome foods into your body instead, like lean protein (turkey, chicken, fish) and lots of nutrient-packed greens to give you more energy and better health.”
Magnesium-rich foods including Brazil nuts and seeds will also help.
Get plenty of sleep and try calming exercises such as yoga and stretching – remember to breathe properly.
In a study published in the health journal Depression and Anxiety, participants who practised deep breathing exercises reported a 40% reduction in their stress levels.
“When we’re stressed we take lots of little shallow breaths,” says James.
“If you find this happening, take a big deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. A couple of those will leave you calmer.”
Tummy type 4: POST BABY TUMMY
If you’ve had a baby in the last few years, your tummy probably isn’t your favourite body part. However, help at hand.
“Once your baby is at least six weeks old, it’s fine to start some gentle toning exercises,” says James. “Though if you’ve had a caesarean, speak to your GP first.
“Even if your baby is older, it’s never too late to start toning the abdominal muscles that have been affected during pregnancy.”
Tame your tummy
Have an avocado or two
James says one of the easiest and most effective post-baby exercises is working your pelvic floor muscles. “They work like an internal corset and tighten up your muscles from within leaving you with a flatter stomach,” he says.
Your pelvic floor muscles are the ones you’d use if you wanted to stop yourself from weeing mid-flow. Clench them for a few seconds and release, then repeat. Do them every day if you can (they can be done anywhere).
James also recommends that his mum clients – who include Elle Macpherson – take fish oil supplements to encourage fat burning around their stomachs. They’re also good for improving your energy levels.
Good fats have the same effect, so include plenty of nuts, oils, olives, oily fish such as salmon and avocados in your daily diet.
Don’t even think about going on a low fat diet in a bid to lose your baby weight.
“Low fat diets leave us feeling tired, lacking in concentration and they can lower your mood – everything a new mum doesn’t need,” says James.
“Instead, keep yourself alert and healthy with good fats, which studies show actually help your body to burn fat as well as boost mood and concentration.”