Clearing your closet can be hard but not impossible (Image: Shutterstock)

The thought of clearing out your cluttered closet is enough to make you tired before even lifting a finger.

But don’t be discouraged.

Think of the functional space you will have thereafter and your clean organized closet you can finally put clothes you wear.

Usually, your closet should be cleared out every season or time you bring in new pieces. This ties in with what is currently going on in your life.

If for instance you got a new job, chances are you will be wearing more formal outfits. This means everything else has to take a back burner for now. Be aware of your needs and arrange your closet accordingly.

Considering how much time and effort it will take, you must prepare yourself mentally to ensure you finish what you begin.

Here is what you should consider:

Set time aside

Considering the state of your closet, evaluate how much time you may need to clear out your closet. Mark the date on a calendar and set a few hours aside.

If it means taking your children to a friend’s house to help you baby sit, setting the mood with some calming music or getting someone else to help, plan accordingly so the process goes flawlessly.

Get some storage

If you have limited closet space, you want to start thinking about alternatives. This may require some spending so set aside some cash for that.

Large boxes and storage containers will help you stay organized and help your closet look presentable. They may be expensive but they will go a long way in saving space.

 Find the best storage for your clothes to make them easy to access (Image: Shutterstock)
Take inventory

Ask yourself what needs to go and what needs to stay to save you some time when you start sorting things out.

Have a plan. Torn, moldy and clothes you haven’t worn for more than six months should be thrown away or given out if they’re not in a bad state.

Throw everything to the floor or bed then pile them according to what should be binned, donated or shelved.

No second guessing

The reason your closet is in the state it’s in is because most of us have a problem letting go of pieces we don’t wear. You keep collecting stuff in the hopes it will fit one day or come to style.

That’s nothing but a lie.

In order to clear out your closet you must get rid of certain items without any excuses. Do not buy anything until you have crossed this hurdle.

Think about laundry

Other than sorting and arranging your clothes neatly back to the closet, you must have an effective cleaning system.

Nothing complicated.

A simple laundry bag in your room will go a long way. Instead of throwing the dirty clothes at the bottom of the closet or piling them up at the corner in your room, put them there.

This will make your life much easier and save you time collecting and sorting dirty clothes.

Fashion Tips;Closet Hacks;Overhaul Tips