Mandera Deputy Governor Ali Mohamud awards a beneficiary of the KCB foundation scholarship on February 3, 2023. [Ibrahim Adan Ali, Standard]

Needy students across the country continue to receive financial support to enable them join Form One starting tomorrow.

In Mandera, the KCB Foundation has given Sh1.4 million to sponsor 19 learners with each learner getting Sh35, 000 for tuition and another Sh30, 000 to cater for uniforms, books, and transport, among other needs.

Jilo Wako, KCB's Mandera branch manager, said the beneficiaries were picked from the most vulnerable and marginalised families. Two slots were allocated to Persons with Disabilities. Half of the beneficiaries are girls.

"The foundation has reached out to academically gifted but needy learners. We have looked at marginalised groups, orphans, and those with disabilities. We have also considered gender," said Wako.

He added: "The funds will cater for tuition fees, for the four years, uniforms, transport, set books, regular mentorship sessions and psychosocial support."

Ahmed Hussein Mohamud,14, who is one of the beneficiaries, said his selection has given him an opportunity to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor so he can help the people of Mandera.

He sat for his KCPE exams at Bulla Mpya and scored 375 marks.

"I come from a poor family. Based on our circumstances, the only hope I had was to perform well in the exams and hopefully win a scholarship to join secondary school," said Ahmed, who is headed to his dream school, Garissa High.

In Kericho, more private sector players continue to heed to Governor Dr Erick Mutai's call to step in and sponsor the education of bright but needy students.

Family Bank Foundation is the latest institution to partner to respond to the call by sponsoring 11 students.

Speaking during a farewell ceremony organised for the beneficiaries, the County Secretary and Head of Public Service Dr Wesley Bor reiterated the governor's commitment to uplift the county's education standards through various initiatives and partners.

He noted that the governor led from the front by sponsoring students from his own Equilser Scholarship Programme.

Sammy Kosut, the Family Bank's Kericho branch manager, said the students were part of the 300 students nationwide sponsored by the bank.

Finlays Community Trust also awarded 20 students bound to join secondary school.

They each received a maximum of Sh50,000 annual fees totaling Sh4 million for the four years of study.

The Chairperson of the Trust Bishop Alfred Rotich said the scholarships are key in providing a level playing field for students from underprivileged families.