
People fall out of love especially when they have given up on their relationships or when the spark has died.

Women are known to be better cheaters and surprisingly pros at trusting their intuition regarding a cheating spouse. But some of them still miss the signs. Just so you know ladies and gents, the writing is always on the wall.

1. They are constantly chatting and giggling on the phone

It’s vital to spend quality time with your partner especially when both of you are caught up in work or school during the week. If one of you is on phone most of the time, you might want to question that.

Your partner may be on the phone discussing business but if the conversations or chats also involve giggling, chances are they could be flirting with someone they have intentions of sleeping with and soon. That’s if they haven’t done it already.

2. You have a strange name on his phone


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One of my girlfriends busted her man who gave her a guy’s name on his phone. Having learnt her lesson, she advises that you should call your partner when they are around you to get these facts right. If you have no pet name in their phone book, they could be cheaters.

3. You are the one always reaching out

Communication in a relationship is important and if you are the one doing the reaching out, then your man or woman has you on the back burner and is giving someone else their attention.

4. Giving someone else too much airtime

It’s one thing when someone mentions their friend from time to time. But it is another to be always talking about a male or female company they spend time with. If this is your relationship, then you have something to worry about. Life is all about balance and if your partner hardly creates time to see you but they are always talking about how they were with so and so then your partner has found someone new to creep with.

5. They dim their phone light

One of my male friends once admitted that he dims the light on his phone because he is always talking to so many women and he doesn’t want his girlfriend to know. Watch out for this habit, it is a sign of cheating.

6. They call you someone else in bed

Everything that is done in the darkness always comes to light. If your partner happens to call you another persons name during intercourse then it’s quite obvious they are cheating on you. They probably are enjoying their clande’s goodies often.

Relationships require a lot of work and if you are not willing to make it better, then it’s better to break it off than to cheat on someone. Also, never cheat on your 80 per cent just for 20 per cent.

Are there some signs I left out? Tweet me @missmandii
