The two couple's have had a tense few months (Image: PA)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have congratulated the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their 10th wedding anniversary, it has been reported.

Separated by the Atlantic Ocean, the couples were unable to see each other in person to mark the special day, but the Sussexes have sent a private message, reports Hello! magazine.

Tensions between the couples have been high since Meghan and Harry made a number of accusations against the royal family in their Oprah Winfrey interview.

Meghan said Kate made her cry in the lead up to the royal wedding while Harry said his brother was "trapped" in The Firm.

Kate and William released two new portraits to mark their first decade as husband and wife.

They show the couple looking completely in love holding hands and cuddling outside their Kensington Palace home.

Kate wore a Ghost dress for the pictures, which were taken by photographer Chris Floyd.

They also shared a beautiful video of them enjoying an afternoon on the beach with their children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

 (Image: CAMERA PRESS/Chris Floyd)

Earlier today the Queen took to social media to congratulate the couple.

Sharing the new snaps, she wrote: "Wishing The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge a very happy wedding anniversary.

"Today marks ten years since Their Royal Highnesses exchanged vows at Westminster Abbey."

Kate and William were reunited with Harry at Prince Philip's funeral earlier this month, when he flew back to the UK to say goodbye to his grandfather.

Meghan "made every effort" to attend but wasn't able to fly as she's heavily pregnant.

Kate, William and Harry left St George's Chapel together after the moving service and were seen talking as they walked back to Windsor Castle's private apartments.

After a while Kate held back to talk to other members of the royal family, allowing the brothers to speak one to one.

Many experts believe this key moment may have broken the ice and been the start of the couples getting back in touch.

It's a busy week for both families, with Princess Charlotte and Archie's birthdays in the next few days.