When contraceptives are being advertised, rarely if ever will you hear them mention what they cannot do. Omitted intentionally or not, the buck stops with you.

Truth is, some STDs can be contracted or transmitted even if a condom is worn during intercourse. Think about it, STDs that are spread through skin to skin contact can still be spread when a condom is used during sex.

In such a situation, the person with the STD infects the partner’s body which is exposed and not covered by the condom.

So the next time you’re about to get lucky, think twice. These are some of the things a condom cannot protect you from.

1. Genital herpes

Genital herpes, a viral STD, typically results in sores or lesions on the genitals, anus or upper thighs. A case of either HSV-1 or HSV-2 is called genital herpes when it affects the genitals or the genital area. Since lesions or sores can occur on parts of the genital region that is exposed during condom use, it can be spread form partner to partner.

2. Syphilis

Syphilis is a highly contagious bacterial infection that spreads through sexual contact including oral, vaginal and anal sex. Syphilis sores occur at the infection sites, and can be contracted via skin to skin contact regardless of condom use.

3. HPV (human papilloma virus)

This is the most common STI with over 100 strains of the virus. Some strains of HPV go unnoticed and seem to cause no symptoms at all while others can cause genital warts or various cancers. Because genital warts can be on parts of the genitals that are not covered by a condom, more so when it comes to female condoms, HPV can be spread via skin to skin contact. What’s worse, is there is no male STD test for HPV and many cases show no symptoms and is often passed on unknowingly to partners.

4. Pubic lice/crabs

Pubic lice, also known as crabs, are pthirus pubis that infect the genitals. Luckily, these lice are not very common anymore during these recent times because of better hygiene and grooming down there. Pubic lice lay eggs and live in hairy jungles, so there isn’t a condom out there that will shield you all the way. Better believe!

5. Molluscum

This common virus is passed from one area of the body to another by scratching and from one individual to another by skin to skin contact through sexual activity, contact sports, towel sharing etc. It produces very small bumps on the skin which are usually not painful but can become swollen and red if infected. Moral of the story? A condom isn’t going to save the day.

Being sexually active means you need to take responsibility for your health and safety. Remember that while a condom will help to keep you safe and avoid an unwanted pregnancy, it won’t keep you protected from all STDs. Don’t live with your head in the sand! Get tested regularly, especially if you and your lover have multiple sexual partners.