Before the first teeth start to sprout, you might start noticing changes with your baby, they are normal and you shouldn’t be alarmed (Shutterstock)

Teething, like the name suggests, is the natural process where babies start to develop their teeth. The time frame which babies start forming teeth isn’t standard and can start at three or four months.

Before the first teeth start to sprout, you might start noticing changes with your baby. When you’re not aware of the underlying causes of these changes you spot, you might start being alarmed especially for first time parents.

Below is a list of symptoms that can confirm your baby is teething.


This is one of the first things you spot when the teething process begins. You’ll notice that your baby is drooling more than usual to the point where you’ll have to wipe them often. The drool serves as a protective mechanism against germs so this is a good sign that the process is going well. Just ensure that you always keep a cloth close by. You should also know that if the drool drips on them for too long without being wiped, they can end up developing rashes.

Constantly sucking and chewing

Babies who are teething will attempt to chew and suck anything handed to them. At this point, anything you give them automatically becomes a chew toy. When you notice that they have the urge to suck and chew on thigs all of a sudden, it’s a huge indicator.


Teething is a whole new milestone for babies. Unfortunately, it can be a painful process that makes them uncomfortable, cranky or fussy. Your baby might cry a lot during this period and reject some of your usual attempts to cheer them up but this shouldn’t be alarming. You can help them by massaging them, soothing them when they cry or even getting them some teething toys. Chilling the toys before giving them is more effective when helping them with the uncomfortable symptoms.

 Teething is a whole new milestone for babies. It can make them uncomfortable, cranky or fussy (Shutterstock)
Trouble sleeping

Babies love sleeping and relaxing so when your baby starts hating bed time abruptly, it’s a major symptom of teething. At night especially, things are quieter and there’s not much activity going on. This means that they are more likely to focus on the pain of teething rather than sleeping.

Appetite changes

Babies also love their meal times. Generally, they get excited when it’s time to feed or eat. When they start teething, however, you’ll notice that they are having a hard time eating or feeding. During this period, all they can focus on is how uncomfortable they are feeling.

Slight coughing

Coughing during teething is common. It’s a natural reflex when some of the drool starts to make its way to the back of the throat, causing some irritation. Coughing helps them to clear their airways so this is not to be confused with a cold or flu. It is just reflexes so it is nothing to worry about.

A great way to help your baby with the symptoms is getting some over-the-counter medication for teething babies.

Also, other symptoms like diarrhea, fevers and vomiting aren’t a good sign and could indicate an infection. As soon as you see these unusual symptoms, see a paediatrician.

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Baby Care;Motherhood;Baby Teething