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Ella wanjiru survives horrific gunpoint robbery


Ebru Tv presenter Ella Wanjiru is undergoing a tough time after she was attacked at her home and robbed at gunpoint. The beautiful presenter who was a cast member in Nairobi Diaries’ first season is usually vocal on her social media pages but the incident made her go quiet. Being robbed can make you traumatized and that is why she was silent on social media. She is however recovering from the incident and this is what she wrote on her Instagram:

    “I know I’ve been unusually quiet. For those who know me you know I am a sharer, and some say I even over share. However, thanks for giving me a minute to process an ordeal of Sunday night. On Sunday evening me and friends were subject to a break in that resulted in many personal and other items being stolen.”

    “I know I am not alone in the experience of being robbed at gunpoint, and feeling the fear and trauma of handling the immediate situation and exhaustion after.”

    “We lost laptops, ipads, phones, TV, etc etc, and most importantly our sense of safety. In the Kenya we live in this is a far too common occurrence. I share with you my hopes and dreams that with our elections tomorrow we will usher in a government that will take security seriously for all of us so that we can prosper and thrive in the Kenya we all want and deserve.”

We are glad that Ella and her friends are okay after the incident

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