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Why bad boys are for adolescents and confused women

 Photo: Courtesy

From the ineluctable debonair charm, masculine confidence to puffed-up swag, the bad boy persona has always been something of an enigma.

They are unpredictable, mysterious and wildly alluring. Women just can’t seem to resist the perils and pleasures of being entangled with one, even though the vast majority of those who have been down that road will tell you that it is not a trip to be recommended.

Yet, everywhere you look, the bad boy is depicted as an object of desire for all women.

It is the arrogant jerk who gets the girl. Sure, dating a bad boy has its perks, but is it worth all the trouble?

That cocky and brash attitude doesn’t wash well with me. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. You can vouch for yourself without being a jerk.

The men who proudly wear the ‘bad boy’ badge are just insecure wimps with superiority complex.

They have an air of importance around them and trample on everyone just to feel better.

Unless you get off from stroking some overgrown prick’s ego, do yourself a solid; run for the hills.

Bad boys are not angling for a relationship. It is all about the thrill of the chase and scoring, so don’t get all starry-eyed because you held his interest for five minutes.

The problem with women is that they convince themselves that they can change these wayward men.

They stay on through their numerous infidelities and blatant disrespect hoping that they will turn over a new leaf. Don’t be that girl who is so head-over-heels in love that she is willing to take whatever crap is thrown at her. If you are looking for a long-term functional relationship, steer clear of bad boys

Bad boys are selfish and manipulative. They will convince you to thank your lucky stars for snagging them, as if they are the best thing since Jesus Christ.

They will cheat on you and still convince you that you are lucky that they are in your life at all.

Why would you want to be with someone who makes you feel insecure and uneasy? It is demeaning to say the least.

Your self-esteem must be at an all-time low to allow such kind of negativity in your life. Relationships are about mutual love and respect, not immature power plays.

Needless to say, the cons outweigh the pros. Smart women don’t date bad boys. Smart women date refined gentlemen who know how to treat a woman. Bad boys are for adolescents and confused women who are not sure what they want out of life.

If you long for a meaningful relationship, bad boys just don’t make the cut. However, they are great for a casual fling. They are supposed to be dynamite between the sheets, if their word is anything to go by.

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