The 21st Century youthful woman in many instances would date bad boys, and even get glued to them by unnatural forces that they can’t explain. This type of woman says that the bad boy is a complete representation of what a man should be like; hard, firm and wild!
On the other hand there are the conservative and very cautious type of women. They believe in a man who is nice-goes to church, cares, loves and even sheds tears with them when they cry.
Mexican soaps have depicted these two type of men in the best of context and concept that I would applaud any time of day.
The question that many would ask is, then who is a better type of man desired by the two factions of women? The most correct answer according to me is this: a hybrid man;a man with both bad and good attributes. But why?
Complete representation of being real
Nice guys are too good. No one can have a complete saint-like character. Good boys pad a lot of energy to being nice rather than being real. Women instinctively don’t trust them. On the other hand, bad boys keep it real; they are themselves at their best and worst. Neither of the two is completely desirable.
As a man, have a soft spot for your woman, and at the same time voice your opinions and views in great conviction. That woman will respect you and find you very mysterious; making her want to hold on more to completely learn you.
Mixes intimacy with love and care in the best of proportions
Women feel a nice guy won't be good in matters bedroom. They feel he’s too routine, rigid and views sex as a procreation preservation. I bet every woman likes to feel the manly presence coming from all corners of the bedroom; a bad boy gives that; control, authority and presence. A nice guy in most situations won't be able to offer that.
But, a nice guy makes love; holds gently, is mindful and passionate about the process. The two extremes when carefully blended makes a combination that can deliver; deliver mind-blowing intimacy, wild and spontaneous touch of passion with a schooled element of romance.
Predictability and mysteriousness
Every woman wants a man he can trust, and he can only be that man if the woman can predict his behavior. However, when the man is too routine, it leads to a boring and very predictable affair; affair practiced by most nice guys. Women are generally attracted to people who are exciting and a bit unpredictable.
Bad boys are always a challenge. A thoughtful man will be predictable to gain trust of the woman; for example information about the time he gets home, his regular friends et al, and at the same time adopt the mysterious bad-boy strategy to make the relationship more exciting and give new challenges.
A working blend of protection and dominance
Women prefer procreating with the strongest possible genes. Bad boys are sending an unconscious message that they have great genes; genes that dominate. Nice guys’ genes on the other end communicate care, protection and are for keeps. As a man who wills to be complete, communicate both.
Too bad is just that-too bad. No woman will like to live with a man who sleeps around, beats people around and cares not around! At her early youth ages, she might be carried by the bandwagon bad-boy thrill, but when she’ll want to settle down, she’ll want the hybrid man.