MohSpice Entertainment CEO DJ Moh is a proud dad after his daughter scored 418 marks in the recently released KCPE results.
Through his socials, the spin master could not hide his joy as his daughter ranked among the top candidates nationally.
"So Proud Of this Little Princess #ProudDad.....KCPE #Top30 #418," he wrote.
Elsewhere, former KTN journalist Dennis Onsarigo was over the moon after his Andy son scored 413 marks.
He was also the president of Moi Kabarak Primary School.
Proud of you Moi Kabarak Primary School President Andy. 413 looks good on you champ . No? ? pic.twitter.com/K6XrDB3Euz
- Dennis Onsarigo (@Donsarigo) November 23, 2023
The top learner in the 2023 KCPE), Michael Warutere scored 428 marks. According to Education CS Ezekiel Machogu, 1,406,557 million candidates sat the 2023 national examination.
Some 8,525 (0.60 per cent) candidates managed to score between 400 and 500 marks while 352,782 (24.29 per cent) candidates scored between 300 and 399 marks.
Students who scored between 200 and 299 marks were 658,278 representing 48.49 percent while those who got between 100 and 199 were 383,025, accounting for 27.07 percent.
Those who scored between 001 and 099 were 2,060 candidates accounting for 0.15 percent.
Out of the 1.4 million candidates who sat the examination, only two were involved in examination malpractices.
End of 8.4.4
After 39 years, the 8-44 system of education, once perceived as the solution for Kenya's skills needs by employers, was interred.
Consequently, none of the 1,406,557 candidates who sat the last Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) will have a chance to repeat, even if they want to better their grades.
Ironically the eulogy for the system was read by CS Machogu, who presided over the burial of a system in which he was once a key player.
According to the Kenya National Examination Council CEO David Njengere, a total of 26 million people have sat the KCPE examinations.
This system of education has not only served Kenyans but also a total of 105,000 non-citizens, including South Sundanese residents of Kaunda region who were certified after sitting KCPE between 2005 -2008.