Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja on Wednesday met the 14-year-old hawker whose groundnuts were allegedly spilled by county askaris in the Nairobi CBD.
Ndagire Renova, from Burundi, caught the attention of Kenyans when he shed tears after his wares were confiscated by 'Kanjo' askaris and many called for a more humane approach to such situations.
Sakaja said many hawkers had complied with a county directive to sell their goods after 4pm at designated places in the CBD but others hadn't.
He clarified that contrary to earlier reports that county askaris spilt Renova's peanuts, the boy had struggled for his bucket with an officer. In the process, the handle came off.
"After I met hawkers a few weeks ago, many have complied with the 4pm rule as well as designated trading places. However, some have not. Especially foreigners.
"It is such a scenario that caused yesterday's incident where his groundnuts got spilt as he struggled for the bucket with our officer. We will continue training our officers on how to handle such sensitive situations with care and dignity in a humane way," said Sakaja.
The governor also raised alarm that there was a child trafficking syndicate going on and to avert such, he had met Burundian Ambassador to Kenya Ms Ntahonkuriye Emmernece.
Sakaja promised that Renova would be protected and plans would be put in place to ensure he resumes school.
"This is a boy who should be in school in his home country. We will protect him and ensure his safety and well-being. In the end, all things work together for the good," he wrote.
The County will also continue to engage the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on matters child trafficking and immigration as there has been an influx of hawkers from neighbouring countries.