A 39-year-old woman was arraigned before a Makadara court over claims that she stole a child. According to court details, Christine Nambengera Masika, jointly with others not before the court, was trafficked by selling the male infant at Sh400,000 on April 9 at Afro Sayari Club in Nairobi.
It is reported that on April 3, a woman identified as Donilla Nafula delivered a baby boy at Navakholo Hospital. Around that time, it is reported that her mother who had just traveled from Nairobi to Kakamega picked up the baby from his mother, claiming that she would help in bringing him up.
When she arrived in Nairobi, police said she struck a deal with a woman to sell the infant.
Unknown to her, it is said the deal leaked to a good Samaritan who shared the information with the police. Police officers posed as potential customers and negotiated the price and location to buy the baby. It was then that the accused was nabbed after agreeing to sell the infant for Sh300,000 to the police officers, who then rescued the baby and arrested the woman.
Masika denied the charge and the court ordered that the matter be heard on May 9.