Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) on Wednesday released a statement explaining the events that transpired prior to the demise of a two-year-old boy who had a forked jembe lodged in his skull.
The hospital stated that the patient was received on Monday, October 10, 2022, following an incident at their home in Kilimambogo, Kiambu County, although the timing of the injury was still unclear.
Upon arrival at the facility at 6.30pm, the boy was received at the Accident and Emergency department where a team of Neurosurgeons commenced treatment and settled on the best approach.
According to the statement, scans showed the object had penetrated into the brain and there was brain swelling.
On why they had to delay the procedure, the hospital noted that the ability of the patient's blood to clot was impaired and they had to correct that as they continued monitoring his vitals.
The boy's condition deteriorated but by 8am on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, a decision to remove the foreign object was made.
The hospital said the patient developed complications while in theatre and attempts to resuscitate him were futile.
"Following the demise, the parents were invited for a family conference where the chronology of actions was discussed and explained to them as the news of the death was communicated."