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The difference between ‘I want you’ and ‘I need you’


1. "I want you" is more about sex and pleasure; "I need you" is beyond sex.

2. "I want you" is in the heat of the moment; "I need you" is something two people grow into, leading to interdependence.

3. "I want you" can easily lead to lust; "I need you" always leads to love.

4. "I want you" can be temporary, short lived and easily forgotten; "I need you" is long term and memorable.

5. Someone who wants you can easily drop you and move on; someone who needs you fights for you because you are precious to them.

6. Someone who wants you can get mad, violent, abusive, possessive and even insulting when you don't give them your body or what they want; someone who needs you will respect you when you don't agree and show you that you can depend on them and they mean well.

7. "I want you" can be easily said because it is for you to serve the pleasure of the person who wants you; "I need you" is not easily said because it is selfless and an acceptance of someone else's importance and value beyond you. I need you carries weight and responsibility.

8. Someone who wants you can easily want others; someone who needs you will focus on you because of the unique value you add.

9. Someone who wants you can easily walk away when things get tough; someone who needs you stays no matter the storms.

10. Someone who wants you will only remember you when they get horny or bored; someone who needs you keeps frequent communication and interaction because you are needed.

11. Someone who wants you comes to take; someone who needs you comes to share.

Commit to someone who needs you, not someone who wants you.

© Dayan Masinde

In my new book, MANHOOD SERIES, I address issues men go through from childhood upbringing, work, family responsibilities, home making, sex, relationship with their father, friends, money, vision, self-esteem and identity.

In my new book, WOMANHOOD SERIES, I address issues women go through from emotional struggles, work, home management, marriage dynamics, relationship matters, daddy issues, friends, motherhood, self-esteem and, purpose and sex. ___________________________________ To purchase the MANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word MAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer . To purchase the WOMANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word WOMAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer.

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