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12 things that make women angry and irritable


As a man, you might encounter an easily angered or easily irritated woman. These are some of the reasons why she might be angry.

1. Hormones Some women get moody during that time of the month. She gets cranky, even though she doesn't mean it. Be patient with her.

2. Self-condemnation A woman with a strong conscience will easily bash herself for something she did in the past. She is not angry with you; she is angry with herself. Remind her of God's grace and forgiveness

3. Sexual frustration A woman with a high libido can get easily grumpy, whether she is a single woman waiting for marriage to make love or she is a wife sexually neglected by her husband. If she is single, it is for her to learn to relax as she waits; if you are her husband, please attend to her sexual needs.

4. Disappointment Disappointments are inevitable in life, some women find it difficult to cope when their expectations don't get met. Sometimes this might make her desperate and some women become manipulative to get what they want quickly. Encourage her but also tell her to be patient.

5. Past abuse Sexual, emotional and physical abuse can be very difficult to deal with. Unfortunately, a lot of women have experienced abuse in their lifetime. Abuse makes a woman defensive and combative and for some, it kills their self-esteem. Understand where she comes from as you consistently show her that you are on her side.

6. Struggles in love life When things don't go well between a woman and the man she loves, she can easily lose her balance and it can affect almost everything in her life. Fear of losing him can manifest through anger. If she is your woman, love on her and solve issues together. Your marriage/relationship is important to her that is why it affects her when things between you two don't work out.

7. Financial lack A woman who is struggling financially can become harsh especially if she is a mother or if she has a husband who is not financially responsible and who wastes the family money on alcohol and betting. Come up with financial solutions together.

8. Jealousy When a woman is jealous of other women she will demonstrate anger. She will sneer, gossip, be rude and see everyone as her enemy. Her self-view is her personal responsibility, your role is to remind her of what makes her amazing and unique as an individual.

9. Work related stress  A lot of women carry their work problems back home. Pay attention to her frustration and neutralize this by providing her with her safe place to vent. Hug her, ask her how her day has been, don't add to her drama.

10. Rejection A woman who doesn't know how to handle rejection will be an angry woman. She will seek revenge. If she is your woman and she feels ignored by you, she might bang doors, shout or be cold; the best way to handle such a woman is to give her attention and care.

11. Insecurities  Once you start making other women your priority and object of admiration, your woman will easily get angry with you. She will do things to make it clear to you that she is unhappy with you. Stop making her compete with other women.

12. Anxiety Women who overthink tend to get anxious and angry, they will want to control everything and lose their cool when things don't go their way. Teach her to relax and stop worrying.

© Dayan Masinde

In my new book, MANHOOD SERIES, I talk about the benefits of a man loving his woman and how it starts by the man loving himself. I talk about the responsibilities of a man to God, to himself, his family and society. Men are capable of loving.

In my other book, WOMANHOOD SERIES, I talk about how a woman can make wise relationship choices, how to inspire love in a man and how a woman carries so many blessings for herself and her man.

To purchase the MANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word MAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer.

To purchase the WOMANHOOD SERIES written by Dayan Masinde, MPESA Ksh. 200 to 0721590954, then text the word WOMAN and your email address to the same number and the book will be sent to your email address for you to download and read on your phone or computer.

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