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So, he dumped you? Why you need a ‘revenge body’ after breakup

 [Photo: Courtesy]

I am all for getting a ‘revenge body’ after a breakup. I am definitely that girl who uses the pain of a breakup as motivation to become the hottest, sexiest version of myself, just so I can throw it in my ex’s face.

Yes, I want not just my ex, but literally every guy who has ever thought I wasn’t good enough for him to scroll through my Instagram feed and feel like an idiot for every time they passed me over because now I look that damn sexy! And they usually do, if the grovelling in their DMs is anything to go by. Oh, the satisfaction!

I recently read an article in which several ‘feminists’ were bashing the whole concept of a revenge body and I thought it was a tad ridiculous.

According to these ‘learned people,’ getting a revenge body is a bad idea because it makes it all about the scumbag who hurt you. They maintained that you should want to exercise, eat healthy and look good for yourself, not to show off to your ex.

Uhmm, okay, sourpuss, but how is sitting on my ass crying about it going to help me in any way? And more importantly, how is wanting to get in shape and be the best version of yourself, for whatever reason, ever a bad idea?

According to these ‘experts,’ you should believe you are a great catch and that it is his loss. They argue that embarking on a revenge body journey shows that you have low self-esteem and that you believe that you have to look a certain way so you can attract and keep a man.

While I agree that you should always believe that you are a great catch no matter what shortcomings society wants to make you believe you have, I think the concept of a revenge body is great.

I gladly encourage women to use the spite for their exes to sweat their way to banging hot bodies. All these talk about doing it ‘for the right reasons’ is total nonsense in my opinion. Sure, you shouldn’t want to get in shape just so you can get the attention of a man, but if it is the only thing that will get me off my ass and into the gym, I will gladly take it.

Apart from the getting hotter part of the revenge body concept, no one can deny that exercise is a positive distraction from the pain of the breakup. I have seen girls who have been dumped turn to alcohol to cope.

Others isolate themselves and spend their days cooped up in the house eating and crying. I don’t know about you, but I would rather focus on post-breakup fitness regardless of the motivation.

Getting a revenge body is only a bad idea if you are doing it to try and win the ex-back once you become hotter.

Girl, it is only a revenge body if you are smoking hot now and they want you but can’t have you. You are a goddess. He is not good enough for you now. You can do much better. That is where the satisfaction comes.



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