Self-proclaimed and controversial prophet Victor Kanyari is back in circulation under a different brand name.
Kanyari, the lead preacher of Salvation Healing Ministry, now goes by the name Bishop Mwangi, which he says is his other name.
Kanyari was in the limelight after being exposed three years ago for performing fake miracles using potassium permanganate, which turns purple when dissolved in water.
He used this chemical reaction ruse to convince followers that his prayers washed away mysterious diseases by asking them to step into water and witness the disease being ‘washed away’ and change the colour of water in the process.
The exposure got Kenyans wagging but soon died out as no one complained to the police. Kanyari was then asking those who wished to be prayed for to panda mbegu with
Sh310 through mobile phone money transfer. That saga resulted in his gospel singer wife Betty Bayo divorcing him.
But the man has since repackaged himself as Bishop Mwangi, with a somehow different voice and ‘reloaded’ miracles, for which he asks for a discounted Sh250 as “seed offering.”
Kanyari has been broadcasting half-hour audio clips that are aired on Radio Jambo between 4.45am and 5.10am.

The Nairobian obtained the recordings after several complaints from listeners about Bishop Mwangi.
One complainant was miffed by his promise to a sickly woman that she would be cured after parting with the ‘seed offering’ money.
It is back to the old trick of prayers for sale. Another complaint to the radio station and seen by The Nairobian reads in part: “This is Emmanuel and am requesting hiyo namba ya Pastor Mwangi coz he has requested for some amount of money akisema anarudisha baada ya maombi na ajanirudishia nikimpigia anaweka number busy(07415292**) (sic).”
In the 30-minutes recording, ‘Bishop Mwangi’ begins with a short prayer, then goes straight to claim that he is anointed prophet who has seen many people out there suffering, including the educated but jobless and whom he has been sent to liberate.
He claims to be praying from the top of a hill and that God has commanded him to ask listeners for Sh250 as “seed offering” for miracle prayers, and that those who will heed the call will be blessed ?nancially, get jobs, healed and even acquire plots to build in Nairobi, among other windfalls.
In between speaking in ‘tongues,’ ‘Bishop Mwangi’ interrupts the programme to share his three different mobile phone numbers through which listeners can send the Sh250 and wait for his call for prayers.
“God has sent me like Moses in the Bible who was given a stick. In my case, he has given me the power to pray for people through the phone. You don’ have to see, neither must we meet for you to receive your miracle. The Sh250 offering you will send is your password to riches and peaceful life”, he tells the listeners.

After some time, he introduces a woman only identi?ed as ‘Mama Mitchell’ for a short testimony about how she sent the seed and got healed from diabetes and high blood pressure.
“I had suffered for a very long time. But when I heard the prophet and heeded his call through the seed money, I was healed immediately,” she claimed.
Kanyari then continues to claim that a woman who was suffering from arthritis in Busia was healed after kupanda mbegu, as was another HIV positive woman who is now free of the virus.
Among the problems and ailments, he claims he can take care of on-air through prayers include broken marriages, asthma, failing businesses, unemployment, desire for big cars and plots and liberating those who have been bewitched.
“There is a woman who was selling plastic materials and her business was not doing well. When she heard my voice as commanded by God, things suddenly changed for the better and she now owns a supermarket,” he claimed, adding that: “I was in Malaysia, Switzerland and Canada praying for people and now that I’m back home in Kenya, it’s your turn (to receive a miracle)…not long ago, I was in Congo and Mauritius where the disabled were healed. In Tanzania, I prayed for a woman who had never conceived for 17 years and she got child!”
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