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Angela Chibalonza’s husband speaks, introduces daughter

 The late Angela Chibalonza (Left), her daughter Wonder Glory all grown up (Right) [Photo: Courtesy]

After the photo of the late Angela Chibalonza’s daughter Wonder Glory,was posted online by Apostle Francis Musili of ATG church, Nairobi, Kenyans took to social media where many sympathized and encouraged her to be strong.

Accompanied by her father Bishop Elisha Musili, Glory was amongst the guests at Apostle Musili’s launch of a new branch in Nairobi where he shared the challenges and struggles he went through raising his daughter after Chibalonza’s passing.

During the church unveiling, Apostle Musili gave the late Chibalonza’s husband a chance to share with the congregation the hardship he went through trying to raise a small baby. He revealed how he had to suckle Wonder to soothe her to sleep.

‘’Bishop Muliri said he couldn’t count the many times he suckled her daughter to make her feel her mother’s presence. ‘When my wife Angela died in 2007 in a grisly road accident in Naivasha, Wonder would cry for her mum and me too cry for my wife and amidst all these tears, I would suckle her to sooth her to sleep, it was really touching,’’ posted Musili.

The late singer passed away at the peak of her career after she was involved in a road accident leaving behind 9-month-old baby Wonder Glory. Angela Chibalonza together with her driver Kennedy Aluoch and vocalist Nimrod Makori died on September 22, 2007.

The tragic accident that stole the precious lives of the three happened at Kinale on the Naivasha-Nairobi highway on their way to Nairobi after a concert at Egerton University in Njoro.

Some of the comments read:

Cosmus Orakha wrote, ‘’God will never forsake His people.’’

Princess Reginah Mbinya commented, ‘’God is faithful, I hope she is a happy girl. I was wondering of her whereabouts because you only see the two small boys in most of their photos. May the Lord be with her.’’

Michael N. Wambua wrote, “It was such a big lose and a shock when we lost Angela Chibalonza not only to the man of God but to her music ministry fans. I remember I was in form two and although I didnt know her so much I could sense the quiver her sudden death sent countrywide and the gap she left. Even today nobody has stood in her place in the gospel music industry. Be comforted man of God because we didn’t really loose but Jesus snatched away what was rightfully His from us. One day we shall behold her and once again enjoy being together as we all sing in unison with the heavenly angels.”

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