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I will circumcise you six times: Woman arrested after strangling 13-year-old

 She strangled him [Photo: Courtesy]

A 36-year-old woman has been arraigned in court for allegedly strangling her neighbour’s 13-year-old son.

According to police records, Caroline Adhiambo is accused of calling the boy’s mother a prostitute and threatening to circumcise her six times.

Adhiambo is said to have arrived home in the evening at Mlango Kubwa, Nairobi, and started shouting at her neighbours that they were all prostitutes claiming they were backbiting her.

She had fought earlier in the day with the complainant’s mother for calling her a prostitute.

In that scuffle, the accused dashed into her house, reach out for her knife, hurled insults and dared the complainant to come out for a fight.

The boy, concerned with what was happening to her mother, reportedly interjected the accused and she grabbed and strangled him.

He could not dislodge himself from the firm grip even after her mother dashed to rescue him.

It was only after a neighbour scooped raw sewage and poured on her that she let go and fled.

The nose bleeding boy was given first aid and the matter reported to the police who arrested the suspect that night.

The complainant was left gasping for her breathe while nose bleeding. Her mother together with other neighbours gave the complainant first aid before heading to the hospital.

She was arraigned at the Makadara Law Courts where she denied the charges.

She was released on a Sh50, 000 bond. The case will be heard on the 18th June

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