Fish, to taste right, must swim three times - in water, in butter and in wine. But beef, they say, only needs good hands at the right temperature. And a special beef barbecue popularly known as ‘anti-theft’ has clearly passed through good hands.
The delicacy is a special menu item at Golden Spot, or G-Spot as it is more commonly known. The delicacy is a full package of meat that has been marinated in lemon juice, onions, tomatoes and ‘ochuri’ (a blend of bile juices from a cow).
Kenneth Odago, the chef at G-Spot located on Chaka Road, is the ‘anti-theft’ expert. Brought all the way from Kisumu, he knows his trade inside out.
“Anti-theft is as tender as a mother’s heart. That is why it is so popular,” says Mr Odago.
The name of the dish comes from the fact that the meat is cut into strips that are too thin to be stolen.
“Anti-theft got the name from the cuts of meat — they are too thin to be stolen,” he explains.
He adds that most of his customers insist on having ‘ochuri’, which is bitter and spicy, with their meat.
“Ochuri’ gives the anti-theft a kick that is different from pepper. Many people also love it because of its high nutritional value,” he says.

According to Odago, the benefits of ‘ochuri’ include an increase in libido and enhancement of sexual activity.
“The art of anti-theft lies in the amount of heat allowed to reach the meat, the variability of the meat and the different sizes. Each piece of meat is different and needs careful roasting,” says the chef, who serves the hot flaky cuts with a salad.
The delicacy attracts regular VIP clients such as former Nairobi governor Evans Kidero, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, Siaya Senator James Orengo, Mombasa Woman Representative Mishi Mboko, former Nairobi woman rep Rachel Shebesh and former Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo.
Meaty delicacy
Even Opposition leader Raila Odinga occasionally drops in for the meaty delicacy.
According to Lilian Aketch, a nutritionist, ‘ochuri’ contains acids that are essential for digestion and absorption of fats. It especially aids digestion of proteins and starches.
Ms Aketch also says ‘ochuri’ regulates the intestines’ level of ‘friendly’ bacteria and yeast.
“Bile cleans your stomach. That is why some people pass liquid stool after eating it. It also destroys unwanted and dangerous organisms as they invade your body,” she adds.
Last but not least, she confirms that ‘ochuri’ fires up the libido and “keep one’s bedroom alive”.
Perhaps that is why Odago insists: “Anti-theft must be served hot.”