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John Kiriamiti’s bestseller ‘My Life in Crime’ made into a movie

 John Kiriamiti and his book My Life in Crime

John Kiriamiti, an armed robber turned writer, gave Kenya arguably the greatest selling novel.

Kiriamiti wrote the book My Life in Crime while doing time at Naivasha Maximum Security Prison for a series of bank robberies in the 1960s and 1970s Kenya.

So daring were the bank robberies that then Attorney General Charles Njonjo made robbery with violence a capital offence through the Criminal Law (amendment) Bill of 1971.

And now, a production company has made Kiriamiti’s bestseller into a movie which is expected to be released soon.

The trailer is already out and you can watch it below:

My Life in Crime remains the only local novel Nairobians ever formed winding queues to buy when it was released in 1984 and has been reprinted 10 times.

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