The ‘sponsor’ phenomenon has really taken off in Kenya. As a matter of fact, it seems to be the in-thing. Gone are the days when women would go out of their way to keep their penchant for older, rich men under wraps.
Nowadays, sugar babies proudly flaunt their sugar daddies. They aren’t even embarrassed to be seen with them in public places. I patronise high-end establishments quite often and these sugar baby and sugar daddies relationships seem to be a recurring theme in these places.
Sugar dating is not everybody’s cup of tea and most people regard them with total disdain. But the new crop of sugar babies and sugar daddies always seem remarkably nonplussed by the stares of disapproval.
While I personally have no problem with these transactional relationships, I often wonder how the sugar babies put up with sex with these old, fat, wrinkly men. I was reading about the effects of age on the male member and I was thoroughly grossed out.
Decrepit penises and droopy scrotums is not something I want to be dealing with in my twenties! Hell no! I would much rather endure the agony of my soul-sucking day job than put myself through the sheer torture of sexually pleasing a balding wrinkled old man. Is it just me or men in their golden years are the most horny?
I know you are probably thinking that I am just being dramatic and sex with a sugar daddy is not as awful as I am making it sound. But think about it. Unfortunately for women seeking greener pastures, wealthy benefactors rarely come in there thirties.
These men in their thirties who want to pose as sponsors are time wasters. They think paying for food and drinks and throwing an occasional Sh5k your way in exchange for sex is being a sugar daddy. The real fat cats are sexagenarians, septuagenarians and octogenarians.
They are the ones who have the financial capacity to give a woman the lavish lifestyle we are all angling for; the high-end cars, luxury vacations and extravagant gifts.
And let’s face it, Kenyan men aren’t exactly keen on physical fitness and making themselves look presentable. You will never find a Kenyan man in his golden years looking as hot and fine as American actors Clint Eastwood or Harry Ford.
By the time they hit their fifties, they are fat, time-worn and wrinkled. And why would they waste their time trying to look presentable when they are well aware that they don’t need to be in tip-top condition to land a gorgeous, sexy twenty-something woman? And the best part is he doesn’t even have to go looking for them. As soon as they smell the money, they come in droves. All he has to do is pick.
You can’t convince me that the women who sleep with these old men are genuinely aroused and enjoy the sex. Fortunately (or unfortunately) unlike men, women don’t need to be aroused to have sex. I don’t know about you, but I prefer to enjoy sex.
I don’t want to have to lay there, grit my teeth and bear with it for whatever outcome. It is just not worth it. I want to feel aroused and want it as much as the man I am doing it with.