Slay queen’s lifestyle makes her a great risk - to not only your finances, but health as well Prostitutes are actually safe, and can get you all 'giddy and comely' for much less, compared to slay queens
Now, before I get the Bible-hugging Christians try to crucify me, let us note that prostitution though illegal in Kenya, is rampant because of poverty. Therefore, before you start casting stones in my direction, let us try to focus on what created the problem and not on how I am shining new light on it.
Prostitutes are actually safe, and can get you all 'giddy and comely' for much less, compared to slay queens. The Oxford Dictionary defines a prostitute as a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment. And according to the 'Kenyan Dictionary,' a slay queen is a woman who most likely has a big posterior and uses it to attract vulnerable men with the aim of making a living out of them.
So, why could prostitutes, who are like to sleep with 10 men a day, be safer than a slay queen who probably has three spineless men on her speed dial? Kenyan prostitutes are the safest sexual partners. They are tested every month end, are very particular about using protection with clients, and with the introduction of the PREP drug, the risk of transferring any sexually transmitted disease is lower from a prostitute.
But the slay queen’s lifestyle makes her a great risk - to not only your finances, but health as well. She is out there promising love and loyalty to three different men, which translates to having sex without protection, which comes with life-threatening consequences.
Plus, the slay queen has a 20-something year old whom she frequently sleeps with just because the older men do not necessarily hit the spot right. And that 20-something boy has a string of women whom he also takes care of sexually. That make slay queens the most dangerous mammals on Earth!
Financially, they are not good investments. How many drinks do you need to buy, or how many times do you need to pay rent before you get some with that bootylicious queen?
Compare this to the amount you are likely to spend on a prostitute? It's almost negligible. Oh, and with a slay queen, chances of being slapped with a child support bill later in life are quite high. Problem is you might not even be the father of the child.
The boy-child should thank me for advocating for the prostitute and not the slay queen. I am just looking out for you guys! In addition, I am all about growing the economy and the prostitute, unlike the slay queen, guarantees that!
So next time you come across fake nails, weird wigs and overly-painted faces, run my ninja! Be safe. Find that village girl who has ambitions of making it big with her brains and not under the sheets and score some kids. Why invest in a heavily-painted woman whose only goal in life is to take the best selfies that get the most likes