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Awinja’s message to trolls: You will not see my baby’s face!

I just feel like he is very young She wants to protect her child from cyber bullies She recently shared a rare photo of her baby on Instagram

Not everyone is an open book when it comes to their kids. As for celebrities who already live under a microscope, how could you blame them?

Jacky Vic popularly known as Awinja recently shared a rare photo of her baby on Instagram, but without revealing the face. The mysterious photo is pretty consistent with the Papa Shirandula star views on privacy.

There is a reason for this, she wants to protect her child from cyber bullies.

I just feel like he is very young (to be exposed to social media) especially with the trolling and everything else,” Awinja said on Let’s Talk.

 Awinja's son

While we certainly enjoy the glimpses we’re offered of celebrity parents and their mini-me’s on social media, it’s not fair to expect every celebrity family to be as generous.

Michael Jackson was the first celebrity who kept the faces of his children hidden from the public. Kenyan celebrities are now following in the footsteps of the fallen king of pop.

Michael Jackson made his children, Prince, Paris and Michael Jackson II, wear mask to hide their faces from the public. He justified his decision saying he wanted his kids to have their own life without him.



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