Deputy President William Ruto is a man under fire after he poked holes on a statement by Chief Justice David Maraga following a wave of protests over alleged collusion by Supreme Court judges and National Super Alliance lawyers (NASA).
DP Ruto in a tweet that has so far been retweeted over 3,000 times, read mischief in CJ Maraga’s statement on Tuesday the 19th of October.
In the tweet, Ruto insinuated that CJ Maraga had allegedly taken sides and fell short of retorting ‘NASA Tibim’ and ‘Tialala’; two popular slogans used by the opposition outfit.
So has CJ taken sides? Listening to the tone, language & drift of Maraga's lecture the only phrase missing is NASA HAO! TIBIN! & TIALALA!
— William Samoei Ruto (@WilliamsRuto) September 19, 2017
Ruto’s hilarious response immediately elicited sharp reactions in support or against his perceived notions with the CJ’s statement.
Maraga, who is also the Judicial Service Commission chair had in his statement decried the continued and brazen attacks against the Judiciary and its officers.
He had stated the attacks were a deliberate attempt to intimidate the judges and called on Kenyans to stand in toe with the Judiciary in the face of those attacks.
Here are some of the responses following Ruto’s tweet;
William tibiim!!! Ruto tialalaaaa
— Gaye Grande (@GayeGrande) September 19, 2017
A judge is a judge even when they rule against you!
— Martha Karua (@MarthaKarua) September 19, 2017
Your excellency I know you are not used to this new kenya under the rule of law but it's the journey to canan. . Welcome on board
— Hon. Junet Mohamed (@JunetMohamed) September 19, 2017
Then they shouldn't act like they are small gods.They have exhibited their biased & should own up.We respected but disagreed with them.
Now that's how we NASA felt when Matiang'i and Boinett say Jubilee tuko pamoja....#IStandWithSupremeCourtJudges
— Nyandiko Charles (@NyandikoGCharle) September 19, 2017