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11 signs she loves you more than a friend - take note


Ladies are always to the point if they like someone, they may not go out of their way to show it but the little things they do is what portrays their feelings towards you.

    She always texts back

    If she literally replies all the messages, including the dumb texts, search no more. She does not only enjoy it but also shows she cares about you and how you feel.

    She gets cozy around you

    Does she like holding your hands when you are walking around together or putting her arms around your neck without asking? If ‘yes’ you got yourself a winner. She is sending you a message that not only is she comfortable with you but she wants to be yours and she is just marking her territory.

    She laughs and smiles more when you are together

    This looks normal but listen carefully whenever you give her a call and all of a sudden she is laughing at your opinion about a question she asked you or does she giggle whenever you initiate a conversation. That’s a sign.

    She fidgets more when you are with her

    Fidgeting portrays nervousness but in the contrary it shows calmness and comfort. So if she plays with her hair or fidgets with her fingers just understand you give her butterflies and she is trying to be calm.

    Her movement are in-sync with your movements

    It is psychologically interpreted that if a person is into you, if she is copying your movements. This happens subconsciously in the mind. If she uses the “f” word immediately after you use the same word then that is a sign she is really digging your vibe.

    She develops an interest in your interests

    If she just went ahead to watch the movie that you spoke about or she has just started watching football because she heard you talking about how enthusiastic you are about the English Premier League then that is a sign too.

    She always start the conversation

    When there is that awkward silence over a week then when you finally meet up she is all excited to know what you have been doing all through the week, absolutely she is more into you.

    She mentions your name a lot

    If she mentions your name at the end of every sentence whenever she is addressing you, go ahead and make a move before she puts in the ‘friend zone ’.

    She gives you all the attention


    When she finally meets you with your friends and she gives you all the attention not minding if your friends will think of her as clingy or insecure. Stop waiting for more signs.

    She puts you above everything

    If she compromises her plans on the weekend just to spend itime with you than she is definitely want you to know that you are more than just a friend.

    Her eyes enlarge when she looks at you

    Walk right into her direction with confidence and maintain the eye contact. Does her eyes bulge with anticipation? If “yes” stop wasting time and start treating her right.

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