Men also cry, you may not see his tears but men also get hurt and cry. This is how to know a man is crying
1. Withdrawing
When a man cries he shuts out the world. Suddenly you will see him abnormally quiet, he will spend much time alone in the bedroom and not engage his children, he will have no friends. Such a man is trapped in his own pain. When he gets like this, don't push him, be near him in his silence, touch him, let him hear you praying for him, serve him and treat him like a King, avoid conflicts because he is delicate even though he is showing strength. Somehow he will find himself opening up in an environment of love, give him hope, something to believe in. Encourage him to get a success story
2. Anger
Men who are angry tend to be seen as monsters, but deep inside, they are actually crying. Anger is a manifestation of things not right. Maybe he is frustrated things are not going his way, he is mad at himself for the mistakes he has made, he is under pressure to deliver both at the work place and at home or he feels misunderstood and attacked. An angry man tends to receive anger back because he rubs off people the wrong way. Such a man needs healing but he doesn't know how to get it. What will help him is someone calm who will do the opposite of what he does. When you offer a kind and loving environment, he will relax, he will feel like a fool when he shouts but you respond with love. Soon, he will stop being tense and let you in, then upon your invite, he will slowly open about what is making him angry and what happened in his past that led him to be such an angry man. When he feels he has an ally in his life, he will stop being so combative and defensive
3. Tears
There are times when a man will show his tears; either in worship, when he loses someone really close to death or when something big good or bad happens. When he does trust you with his tears, hold him, touch him, show him you understand and you don't see him as less of a man
4. Alcohol
Many men run to alcohol because they are crying inside. Alcohol is their hideaway, they drown their sorrows, insecurities, fears, questions using the bottle. Things get complicated when he gets addicted. What is making him cry inside is not being addressed and he is now trapped in an addiction. When he does, introduce him to a different kind of lifestyle. Spend good time with him that is so engaging that he forgets his need to drink. Once you have his attention, go deep in the issue, find out what is bothering him. Pledge your support to help him find a solution. Build up his self-esteem to lessen his dependency on alcohol. Help him see how alcohol is ruining his health, his wealth, his image before the children, his family time and his focus in life. Help him to clean himself up
5. Drugs
When the cry inside some men gets too much, they turn to chemicals to get them high. Getting high might numb the inner tears, it doesn't address the problem and so the reason for the inner cry still remains. When he does this, pull him out of the illusion of high, sometimes all a man needs is someone to talk to
6. Bully mentality
Bullies appear strong but they are actually the weakest people in society; deep inside, they have issues, they are crying and in need of help. If you trace back to the past of a bully, you will find that at some point in his life, he felt pushed to the wall, he felt alone and had to protect himself and so he feels projecting intimidation keeps him safe. When he gets like this, he needs you to stand up to him with love, showing him he has no reason to fight. When he cries "Is there someone on my side I can trust?" show him you are the one
7. Prayers
Some men when they cry, they pour their heart out to God, they tell God "I am not OK, I need your help, I need Your strength. When he does this, pray with him
8. Porn
Porn is the escape of so many crying men. Reality is too much to deal with and so they run to a fantasy where they are in control. When he does this, enter his secret mind, show him care, show that his reality is better with you two working together, plus give him great sex. When reality is manageable, fantasy loses its taste
9. Suicide
The height of desperation of a crying man is the thought of suicide or the act of suicide. Men rarely show their tears and yet men commit suicide more than women. This happens when a man is fed up, feels abandoned, feels ashamed and loses his identity. Cover him, affirm his identity, assure him he can make it, and give him hope
© Dayan Masinde and Akello Oliech
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