Ciru Muriuki introduced her autistic sister to the world opening up on living with a sister with a disability most never understood. She shed some light on their relationship as well.
The outspoken feminist made a plea to her followers asking them to help her grant Karen the dreams of her life. Posting on social media, she asked,
“This is my sister Karen. She is slightly less than 13 months older than me. She was my first bestie.
Karen has not had an easy life, she is on the Autism spectrum. She has had to deal with a family that didn't understand her, schools that didn't quite know what to do with her, and the inevitable bullying from little shits masquerading as children.
And in spite of all this, she is the kindest, most giving, and most incredibly talented person I know. You should hear her playing the piano. Friends. She will blow your mind.
If I could, I'd give my sister the world, and I'm working every day until I can. Before I can make that NYS money, I need a favor.
You see, Karen has wanderlust, but had never been fortunate enough to leave the country. I want to change that, and you can help me.
Go on this link and vote for me, and let us make my sister's entire year...scratch that...entire LIFE.
Sank you please.”
So far, she says the support she has received has been enormous after her plea. “I'm in tears. Thank you for showing my sister so much love. Thank you” she thankfully remarked.