Even though the saga might be forgotten by some, in 2011, social media was abuzz with talk of shocking photos of couples making out at Kakamega’s main park.
Perverts and sex workers had turned a bench made of bamboo at Muliro Gardens into a love bed and used the park as a ‘lodge.’
Pictures of couples having sex on the bench sparked a lot of criticism from far and wide.
After the media exposed the ‘day lovers’ at the park, church leaders went to the site to cleanse the bench with prayers.
Today, a fenced Muliro Garden is strictly monitored by county askaris with nothing unbecoming to note.
But perhaps, after fencing and sending guards to the park, the authorities should have sensitised the perpetrators on good manners.
Apparently, the infamous ‘bush sex’ that characterised Muliro Gardens shifted to a different location, just 300 metres from Muliro Gardens, at the well-manicured Kakamega Golf Club.
The ‘second division golfers’ frequently appeared in sandals, suspicion written all over their faces, probably because they disregarded a sign post with a ‘No Through Way warning. They were always in pairs.
These men and women would head for a secluded corner of the course where they chat for a moment before disappearing into the overgrowth and do away with their clothing for a session of ‘golfing.’
A caddy, who sought anonymity, told The Nairobian that every morning, they used to encounter a litter of condoms on the course.
“When I take a walk in the morning through the course, I come across condom wrappings and used tissues. It’s a common sight at the club as we fetch golf balls,” said the caddy.
Another caddy said: “As darkness falls, they start their affairs, I believe they find the grass on the course comfortable.”
“The price of a room is very affordable in Kakamega. It is hard to understand why they would opt for the bush instead of using the available rooms,” a local lodge manager in the town said.