Wives have never been harder to come by, now that practically every woman with a brain can bring the bacon home. And we are not even talking of “a perfect wife”.
Many men therefore find themselves at a point where they need to compromise, and the choices are not so pleasant. Half the time, they will land a cheating wife.
But the good news is that a cheating wife might actually be better for you than a faithful but boring housewife.
Unlike men who cheat simply because they can, wives cheat but with good reason. She will cheat because there is something she lacks and to protect her marriage, she must fill the gap. I know that rather sounds insane but sometimes you love someone way too much. Walking away at that point is not an option but again you have needs that need to be taken care of or else you’ll go berserk.
It could be due to anything. Money, filling an emotional void or physical needs like sex (it is an open secret that very little sex happens within the confines of holy matrimony).
Not to mean she’s going for a total husband replacement — unlike the man seeking a second wife. She’s just supplementing her marriage to boost its nourishment and growth. Like how a young infant at one point needs other sources of food in addition to breast milk to aid in proper growth.
A cheating woman might be very hard to detect as she is usually at her best during that period. She’d be more relaxed and thus more loving. She doesn’t worry much about small issues like finances or your irritating snoring and farts. Since her physical needs are being well taken care of, she thrives in the afterglow. You’ll never have a bad day at home.
A cheating woman doesn’t whine much. Someone else receives all the backlash that was meant for you (you should thank him). He calms her down when Nancy from HR gives her hell and massages her temple when your mother pisses her off about her inability to give birth to boys.
Then she comes home, flowing with positivity as someone else has kissed all the negativity out of her system.
Men are sloppy human beings, so when it comes to cheating, they leave a trail of rotting breadcrumbs behind every affair. Hotel receipts in the trouser pocket, grinning like a goat when nudes land in his phone and quickly ducking out of earshot when the phone rings at midnight.
When locked in another woman’s arms, a man hangs up on his wife, temporarily blocks her calls or even switches off his phone — only to knock on the door smelling of those cheap hotel room soaps at 3am.
But a woman cheats as neatly as she folds her knickers. Just before she gets to her cheating rendezvous, a woman will make a loving call to her main bae. She will playfully ask him where he is and what he’s doing, mentally calculating the minutes she has before her husband gets off work.
Even after a back-breaking romp, she’ will still go home on time and make a hot loving meal for her clueless man and then later in the night, warm his bed. Isn’t this the ultimate sacrifice and heroism for love!
And everyone is happy. See what I mean?