Millions of people around the world use Facebook every day, but how many actually pay attention to the famous blue logo?
The social network announced yesterday that it is changing its logo for the first time since 2005.
And the difference is...well, negligible at best.
In the company's own words: "Now that we are established, we set out to modernize the logo to make it feel more friendly and approachable.
"While we explored many directions, ultimately we decided that we only needed an update, and not a full redesign."
To that end, the company has slimmed the letters down and changed the style of the "a" - that's about it.
"We worked with Eric Olsen — whose typeface Klavika was used in the original logo — and developed a custom typeface to reflect where we are now and where we are headed," said Josh Higgins, Facebook's creative director.
Facebook is only changing its word logo. The famous "F" symbol used for the mobile app and on profile pages remains the same.