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Singer Jimwatt tells of his harrowing experience with drug addiction

Local News


Who knew the 'Under 18' singer, whose songs topped hits and kids sang along to his rhymes, would ever be out of the Kenyan musical spotlight? Perhaps we can blame it on fame, his friends, or alcohol addiction, which led to his drastic accident a while back.

For many artistes, fame takes the better of them and many are trapped in a bubble thinking they are still the best even when the rest of the world is moving on and other top artiste are coming up.

But as Jimwatt recently opened up and said, he never for one day liked his addiction and dependence to drugs. Sadly, it came in plenty whenever he went out with friends and he was hooked before he could get himself off the snare.

Recently, he came out in an interview and confessed how he took himself to a rehabilitation centre in a bid to recover. The journey was ultimately tough for the star, but he has been trying to pick the pieces and make a musical comeback.


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