According to the Center for Disease Control/National Institute on Occupational Safety & Health, the workplace is the number one cause of life stress. The CDC reports 110 million people die every year as a direct result of stress. That is seven people every 2 seconds.
Everyone, including the king, experiences something every day that might lead to stress. It doesn't matter if they are kids or adults. We are torn between work deadlines, bills, family and friend obligations, relationships and businesses it is easy to get overwhelmed. And if it goes on for too long, we will find ourselves struggling to merely survive instead of thrive. Thanks to the list below because it will make us thrive.
Create a stress jarSit down every morning and make a list of things that stress your day. Now that your worries are on a piece of paper, fold it and put it in the jar. You have your worries in a jar, so now put them away for the day and forget about them.
Surround yourself with positive and encouraging peoplePositive people can brighten our mood and help us put things into perspective. Negative people are stress catalysts. You will die as they smile.
Get lost in a great bookReading a book has the potential to transform your mindset. Books help us see the world in a different perspective. There is nothing more relaxing and wonderful than reading a great book by one of your favorite authors.
SleepIt has been said that one could survive for three times as long without food as one could without sleep. Find 20 minutes or so throughout your day to close and rest your eyes. Sleep matters and a lack of it is a major contribution to the negative effects of stress.
Leave the office for lunchTake a walk or eat outside. This might be hard especially if your boss provides lunch for you but force yourself to leave the office for lunch if you can. This will help you to redirect your focus and come back even stronger for the second part of the day.
Be of service to someoneAre you one of those people who cannot dedicate even a second to help someone? You are harming yourself more than the time you are trying to save. Though others may not help because they want to shine alone which is fine, there comes a time. Helping someone doesn't have to be a huge gesture, it could even mean just listening to someone's idea. Asking others how they are doing is a way to be of service. We get wrapped up in our own worlds far too often. There's a whole world out there that's waiting for you. Want to feel instantly better? Go be of service and make someone else's day.