Considered an outcast by family members in the village where his mother is married, Kennedy Kagoni, the father of an intersex child, himself born out of wedlock, is a distressed man. His son, who has both male and female sex organs, is now 15.
Not only did he lose his wife to a pastor, but now a sex minority lobby group allegedly wants him dead for trying to expose their organisation as a ‘money minting lobby’.
Kagoni says he was approached by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Intersex (LGBTI) lobby group headed by transgender activist Audrey Mbugua with the promise to assist his son overcome the condition that comes with heavy stigma. That was in 2010, two years after reading about his plight in a local daily.
The 47-year-old father of two claims he later parted ways with Audrey because of the activist’s religious inclination, motives and actual sexual orientation.
The transgender activist who made headlines by going to court to have his name changed from Andrew to Audrey, because he claimed to be female, has dismissed allegations by Kennedy Kagoni that she is an agent of devil worshipping and homosexuality as unfounded.
“I don’t know how to answer that question, why didn’t he (Kagoni) report the matter to police that I was recruiting people into devil worshipping? I don’t intend to be a devil worshipper, neither am I Illuminati. I think he is being malicious,” said Audrey when asked whether she practiced devil worshipping as alleged by Kagoni.