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Tips on how men and women can understand each other

                        Men and women need to understand each other in communication

If only men and women could understand each other, the world would be perfect – and so would their relationships.

Maybe, but maybe not. We have all heard that “Men are from Meru and women are from Vihiga” before, but is it possible that being from two different planets is actually a good thing?

If men and women were alike, and had the same thoughts, feelings, and emotions, quite possibly that it would be disastrous for their relationships. Perhaps, being different and having different perspectives is what spices up relationships.

Perfect relationship

There are far too many relationships that complicate lovers’ life, needlessly. Many of these disagreements often snowball and bring the relationship to a sudden halt. However, if a man and woman can accept that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship and instead, learn to thrive in a perfectly imperfect relationship, they could possibly bring down the barriers (and pants too) – and remain together.

Of course, it does help to understand the mentality of the opposite sex. After the long weekend that was spent by the boys toasting to steamy relationships for all, Frao led the boys in identifying areas that, if addressed, could help to significantly bring down the pressures associated with pleasure.

Here are some things that most men and women wish their significant other knew about them:

i) Most women love to be held and hugged. Even if a woman is incredibly independent, being held and hugged makes them feel safe and secure – even if they don’t admit it. Most men, on the other hand, are generally less affectionate than woman, and they may not realise how important affection is.

ii) Both men and women want to be noticed by their significant other. Things such as a new haircut, new clothing, or results from working out or losing a few pounds need to be complimented without being pointed out.

iii) Most of the time when a girl fantasises, it’s about her significant other. Most of the time when a guy fantasises, it’s about another woman. If more women knew this, more men would be single. But truth be told, a fantasy that isn’t acted upon doesn’t hurt anyone… Sorry ladies, it’s painful but very true.

iv) Most women smile when they see a text or email from their significant other. Most men see constant communication as an obligation. Furthermore, most men get annoyed if they receive constant texts from their significant other, especially if the messages are about where he is or what he is doing.

v) Women want to feel wanted and not taken for granted, and they want their man to initiate contact. Unless a man has a specific reason to call or text, he is less likely to initiate contact. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t think about his girl, it just means that he doesn’t feel the need to talk to her all the time.

vi) Some women cling to men, but others are terrified of losing their independence. Surprisingly, if a man is serious about a woman, he will almost always trade in his independence for the comfort and security the relationship can provide.

vii) When a woman says she’s fine, she’s not. When a man says he’s fine, he really is. Here’s where the problem lies: The word “fine” registers in a woman’s mind as signifying a problem because it is one of her choice words when she is lying about being okay.

When she hears her guy use the word fine, she may pry about what’s bothering him, which quite frankly, confuses the heck out of him.

Dear men, avoid the word ‘fine’ altogether. It is not a fine word to use when talking to a fine woman!


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