Gabola Church in South Africa has been making headlines since it publically admitted that alcohol consumption is not a sin as it is considered by a majority of the Christian faithful.
In fact, alcohol flows freely during church sermons.
The latest from the church lead by the founder Bishop Tsietsi Makiti, has it that every other person who drinks alcohol is an automatic member of the church.
According to the Bishop, the church, which was started baout three years has attracted a huge membership from the general public.
Members of the church do not give offering, instead, they are encouraged to buy alcohol from a store inside the church.
The Bishop says they do not rely on donors to run the church but sales from the alcoholic drinks.
It is clear that Gabola church will continue to grow as most of its members feel accepted and appreciated with every drunk being considered a member of the church.
According to the Bishop, in order to become a full member of the church, all you have to do is to be a consumer of any alcoholic drink.
The bishop says he will welcome you with a bottle of beer in one hand and Bible on the other hand.
"If you drink a beer, then you will be baptized with beer," Bishop Makiti says.