Residents of Kanyasa Ward in Nyatike sub-county, Migori County, have raised concerns over the sorry state of the Kipingi Dispensary.
The facility lacks clean water and power, forcing pregnant mothers who go there for deliveries to carry lamps and torches for use at night. They claim patients have also been forced to buy water outside the facility. According to the residents, the facility which was constructed in 2007, has been lacking water for the last 16 years.
After delivery, the women are forced to send their spouses or relatives home to get them water for bathing. Most medics leave the facility at 4 pm as it becomes hard to offer service when darkness sets in.
Additionally, the facility only operates from Monday to Friday evening, posing a challenge to the community, which has no access to any other health facility nearby. The residents want the national and county governments to come to their rescue.
However, Ogallo Neya, one of the committee members at the facility said power poles were delivered five months ago but nothing has happened since then. Health CEC Julius Nyerere said the county will take up the matter and ensure the facility gets connected to power soon.